Applite is a free and open source GUI for downloading, updating and managing the entire Homebrew catalog. When you install it, you are given a choice of using your exisiting Homebrew configuration or creating a new one. If you use your existing confiuration, you can use Applite to manage and update the apps and casks you already have installed.

Security - Many but not all Homebrew apps are notarized. You are dependent on Gatekeeper and Xprotect (built in Mac utilities) for security. Some Homebrew apps are not sandboxed, meaninhg they operate with elevated permissions.

The following categories of apps are available:

  • Browsers

  • Communication

  • Productivity

  • Office Tools

  • Menu Bar

  • Utilities

  • Creative Tools

  • Media

  • Developer Tools

  • IDE Tools

  • Terminals

  • Virtualization

  • Gaming

  • VPN

  • Password Managers

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