I know about Bartender, but are there any other apps that can not only hide items, but also reduce the spacing between menubar items? I’d be happy if it could only do the latter. Having tried Vanilla, I need it to work when the menubar is set to hidden.

E: Thanks to u/n1justice, I am now free to use any menubar manager. See his post.


• 3mo ago

I once bought Bartender just for that function (reduce spacing between menu bar items). I deinstalled Bartender today. The good news is that you don’t need any app whatsoever. You can just use the following terminal command to adjust the spacing between menu bar items:

defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain NSStatusItemSpacing -int x

Change the ‘x’ in the above command to your liking (e.g. 0 results in zero spacing, I’ve currently set it to 2). After you’ve put this into the terminal, you need to log out and back into your system to see the changes. This is working on latest Sonoma. Hope this helps!

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